"Like Sands through the hourglass..."

I don't know how many of you used to watch the soap opera, "The Days of our Lives", but that was the opening line to each show: "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives." I used to laugh when my parents and grandparents said things like, "It goes faster the older you get...", sort of like the toilet paper at the end of the roll. But, I find at this point in my life that it's true. I don't know where the past year went. And as I finally sit down to post another blog, three days into 2012, and a year since my last post, I can't tell you where it went. It was a blur. I was really busy. I was worn out by the end of it. Yet, I don't know what I have to show for it.

So, here are my belated resolutions for this coming year, my plan to make 2012 my best year yet:
  • I will be careful about what I am busy about.
  • I will focus my energy on the things in life that are truly important. Like people, who seem to be leaving this planet in record numbers.
  • I will embrace every opportunity to make a difference in someone else's life.
  • I will graciously accept other's offers to make a difference in mine.
  • I will live without fear.
  • I will love with abandon.
  • I will live like I was dying.
And maybe somewhere along the way, I will manage to shed those extra pounds as well.

Wishing you many blessings in the coming year. May you find what is truly important to you, and hold on to it with both hands.

Happy New Year.


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